Thursday, September 13, 2012

Anderson | first day of preschool

Anderson, you started preschool today. Real preschool. Not just a one month trial run like we had in the summer where everyday was a glorified play date, but the real alphabet-learning, shape-analyzing, sit-in-a-circle-and-go-through-your-numbers kind and you were oh so excited. It's times like these where I truly feel the weight of being a working mom. Leaving for work this morning when it was still dark knowing that I would not be here to make you a special send-off breakfast or to walk you into your classroom made my heart a little heavy.
I am so proud of you, my little boy. To hear that you marched right into your class, bucket in hand, with confidence and a smile on your face made my morning a happy one. To hear you stood out as a leader made me swell with pride. Though I will likely miss many of your first days I understand that as special as those moments are for me, they are equally as special for Daddy to have with you boys. Every family makes little sacrifices for the sake of the greater good, that's just the way it has to be.
Even though I couldn't be there on the first real day of class I did take off on Monday to attend orientation, meet the other parents, and take your picture. Because as much as I love Daddy, I just knew that expecting him to take first day photos while getting you and your brother out the door was just too much pressure. I am just so happy to have the few he got of you in class, sitting right up in front. You are your mommy's boy. So sweet.
So here is to your first official year of school. May every day be as exciting as the first. I cannot wait to hang every piece of art and hear about every lesson taught. Oh, how I love you so.

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