Friday, April 6, 2012

One more year

One year older today and feeling fortunate for the gifts of this last year- a healthy baby who is becoming a toddler, a toddler who is becoming a "big boy", and a husband who puts up with everything that comes with a wife who is trying sometimes too hard to be too much to too many at his expense when all he really wants is for me to be good to him.

As I enter my dare I say it? late thirties it is not lost on me that time is speeding by. My days are quietly yet rapidly dissolving into months and years. It truly seems that I was just rounding the corner of 30 and here I am making my (hopefully slow) decent toward my forties.

It's not that age really bothers me at all, in fact I don't really think too much of it, it's just that when I was younger I had this idea of what certain ages would look like. Of where I would be, what I would be doing, and what my life would look like. As I sit today, it seems that so many of those ideas have changed. My priorities and views have evolved and life has planted me somewhere where I perhaps would have never thought I would be. But maybe it's exactly where I am supposed to be.

As another year passes I am reminded that time waits for no one. Life is moving forward at a pace with which I am hard-pressed to keep, but my options are few: sit back and let it pass me by, always thinking of what may have been, what I could have done, making excuses for my lack of change; or take charge and use it to evolve and grow into the person I want to be for the rest of my life. I have no idea where this year will lead or what challenges I may encounter, but I am along for the ride. Here is to a year of growth, discovery, and contentment. Happy birthday to me.

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