Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday, Anderson

Every year on this day I take a few moments to sit back and reflect upon the day you were born. To re-live that day, to transport myself back to that moment, to experience once again the joy, the excitement, the amazement of becoming a mother for the first time.

This day marks the day our lives forever changed; the day that responsibility took on a new meaning and the day that I fully understood what it meant to put myself and my feelings aside for someone else.

Anderson, you are my greatest teacher. Through you I have learned to be patient, to be gentle, and to love unconditionally. You have taught me how to laugh and that nothing is ever so bad that an "I love you, mommy" can't fix it. You have taught me that being a "boy mom" is truly a gift.  I am beyond lucky to have you.

I never claim that anything I have done has made you who you are because I am pretty sure you were just born a good boy. You are happy. You eat well. You have loved your baby brother since the day we brought him home. You rarely cause any trouble and you have very few bad days. (Which, from what I understand, could totally change now that you're 3. I could totally be in therapy this time next year.) You are kind and you absolutely love to laugh.

Happy birthday, my love. May this next year be filled with wonder, discovery, and amazement. You make me and your daddy so proud and our lives are better because of you. We love you so.


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