Thursday, December 1, 2011

Charlotte turned 5!

I'm not quite sure if Anderson or I get more excited when we get invited to birthday parties. This is kind of a new thing for us as most of our friends have kids older than ours and, well, Anderson just doesn't have many friends yet. (Which I feel totally guilty about because I am pretty sure this stems from my inability to introduce myself to and interact with other moms, but this is a post about parties, not my lack of social skills and self-esteem issues.) Anyway, beautiful Miss Charlotte turned 5 and had a most fabulous robot party, which is no surprise given Daiquiri's impeccable style and talent to make everything super fantastic. Anderson hasn't stopped talking about robots since! And, actually, he couldn't stop talking about robots since the day the invite arrived. (It is still on the coffee table weeks later as he shows it to me as he reminisces about the party- "remember that robot party, mommy?") .

Of course it was nice to see friends we don't see often, but it was even more fun watching the kids. Anderson is still a bit of loner (is it the age, maybe? I don't know), but he sure does love to watch other kids. And a birthday party with juice and snacks and cupcakes?! And licorice- get out of town! I swear he snuck about 17 pieces. He was in absolute heaven. Happy birthday, Charlotte!

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