Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Jewelry Tree

I suppose not everyone has a favorite Christmas decoration. That one thing that makes you anxious to speed through Thanksgiving just to decorate. I do. And I absolutely love it. The jewelry tree is special for so many reasons, not the least of which is that there was one hanging in my house every year since I can remember. That original tree could tell so many stories of Christmases past. Stories of so many gatherings, so many Christmas mornings, so many happy memories. Stories of so many times mom wanted/needed to wear an "ornament" that was glued to its sparkly branches only to rip it off and fill it back in with some other random earring who had lost its mate or brooch that had seen more stylish days.

For ten years and in four different homes this tree has occupied the most valuable piece of Christmas real estate above the mantel. It has been a constant as this little family has changed, grown, and developed its own traditions. Oh, the stories it could tell.

This year as the other jewelry trees in the family are getting an overhaul I am even more sentimental about my own. Though much of the jewelry on my tree was never worn by myself, all of the pieces on the tree either belonged to or were given to me by the women in my family. What better time of year and what better way to be reminded daily of the people who mean so much. 

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